Unlearnding Biology
The Pre-Socratic Category Theory of Biology
Before I begin, I should make my position clear: fuck what you think you know. I could give a fuck about whatever provincial idea you have of biology. Most people are one paragraph into Wikipedia deep about their deepest held positions.
Now that we have that out of the way…
Some people think that the universe was created by a Grand Designer.
UX Designers believe that great design breaks everything down into its composable elements. By composable elements I mean those elements which react with each other to create the system itself.
To understand biology, one requires a rudimentary understanding of DNA. DNA is the hereditary material that permeates our cells. The information in DNA is stored as a code made up of four chemical bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T).
Question: What is the structure and relationships among these four chemical bases within DNA? How might those relationships be changed?
Answer: Don’t ask some modern refried bean. Rather, seek out the Swastika (Indus Valley, 1000 BCE) and the I-Ching (12,000 BCE). Whatchu think previous civilizations didn’t know shit? Fuck you the library of Alexandria was torched so you actually don’t know jack shit about ancient civilizations.
You’re like a Solon in Egypt who can only trace back his lineage to the last time his geography people were flooded into oblivion Atlantis-style. You think Plato was making that interaction up?
A - G - C -T. Those are the chemical bases that make up DNA. Observe their structure as rediscovered by Fernando Castro-Chavez, PhD.
DNA & The Swastika
DNA and The I-Ching
Now that I’ve flashed you with some intuitions, listen to Fernando explain it in his own words.
What Terrence McKenna The I-Ching Time Wave Zero and the Human Genetic Code all have in common
If you can’t understand Fernando’s accent, turn on the subtitles or travel outside your local slum once and awhile. Not all truth has been parsed through newscaster voice, or have you grown so feeble that you need savoir-faire reduced you know what fuck it.