The Doctrine of Metaphor Frameworks
All models are false, but some are useful. - Box
I had a conversation with Dr. Robert Whetsel, a senior data operative with the US Army and FDA.
I told him about my grand theory of humanity. My grand theory of humanity is that we came From Light down to Earth in meat-body form. If we look at the merging of man and machine, and seeing the move to represent consciousness with finer optics, what we’re seeing now is humanity go back up the food chain, turning back into light.
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I asked him if he agreed with me that humans are turning back into Light. Dr. Whetsel replied,
That’s one metaphor framework to use.
That statement stopped me in my tracks; he was right. My idea that humans came from Light → Meat-Body → Light was simply an idea based on the metaphor framework of The Kabbalah Tree Of Life.
It got me thinking. The Kullback-Leibler Divergence states that,
What the Learner learns is a function of what Learner already knows.
What I learn is constrained by the observations that I make. The observations that I make are hopelessly constrained by my dominant metaphor frameworks; the mental models I use to organize complex information.
Right now, the Digital Mercenary Syndicate is growing. Many people want funding. Problem is, many people don’t understand the language used in the funding arena. They don’t understand the language used in the IT arena. They don’t understand the language in the marketing arena. And when the language of funding and IT and marketing get mixed up during a conversation, that’s where people really get lost.
But you don’t have to stay lost. In fact, if you feel lost, your instinct may be right! But if you don’t understand the metaphor frameworks that people use to understand the world, there’s no way you can communicate with them effectively. In order to communicate with them effectively, you need to understand the metaphor frameworks they’re using to go through their OODA Loops.
What’s an OODA Loop? Good Question! It’s one of the metaphor frameworks that make up The Doctrine of Metaphor Frameworks.
The Doctrine of Metaphor Frameworks
The Boardroom
The Operation
Crossing The Chasm
The Military Decision-Making Framework
Lean Thinking
Business Model Canvas
In The Moment
The Infinity Forge Method
The Military’s Red Book