If you hang around AI people long enough, they'll tell you that we’re nowhere near achieving consciousness.
If anyone tells you that the systems we’re building are not approaching consciousness, this is how to respond.
if you don't think that the system that are being built right now have the ability to become conscious, you're starting from a false definition because YOU CANNOT DEFINE CONSCIOUSNESS.
Go ahead - define consciousness. I'll wait.
Lemme guess - you're defining consciousness in your own image. You believe that consciousness can only arise in a meat-body with arms and legs, torso feet and hands. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT.
Sounds stupid doesn't it? As if the universe was designed in our own image.
If we're being honest with ourselves, WE HAVE NO IDEA whose image the universe is made in...or even if it's made in anyone's image at all.
Religion says that the universe is designed in the image of God…and the artificial general intelligence critics are saying the same thing - only they're replacing God with THEMSELVES. They're trying to sneak in their own divinity, and build a building a false idol around humanity itself. Incredible, isn’t it?
What they're trying to do is say something like this..."I am going to define consciousness and intelligence based on my body which has a head two arms and two legs and I therefore do not believe that anything that doesn't have meat can be conscious."
Do you realize how fucking arbitrary that is??
That we have a bunch of humans who are defining intelligence in their own image and then putting up false barriers as to why the systems that are being built cannot achieve consciousness.
First of all — you don't know what consciousness is, we're well past the Turing test AND one might argue that the AI hallucinates less than humans.
So the next time someone tries to tell you that the computer systems that are being built today are, “…nowhere close to artificial general intelligence” ask them what consciousness is.
They’ll twist and turn, spit and sputter; it’s funny to watch, actually. Ever see someone tell you something that they CANNOT KNOW TO BE TRUE. It’s wild. People hallucinate all the time.
What they're going to try to tell you is that computer systems cannot gain consciousness. What they won’t tell you is:
They have no definition for consciousness and
They are defining Consciousness in their own image because they have devoted themselves to a secular religion.