At the same time, it makes sense that people don't humble themselves in order to learn. After all, why would you need to learn when you're already perfect 🤪
Ever ask ChatGPT to say the answer in half the words? Everyone wishes you'd do the same.
People need to start saying a third of what pops into their head.
More words doesn't equal more convincing. In fact, there's a law of diminishing returns when it comes to speech.
There's actually a point where it becomes embarrassing.
People can feel neediness.
Remove Neediness. It's killing your deals. Touch the heart before you touch the hand. You get what I mean? People don't remember what you did for them...they remember how you made them feel.
It's a bit counterintuitive, I know. When you come out the gate selling to the pre-frontal cortex, you're toast. You're actually selling to an amygdala dressed in drag.
Look, I used to be awkward, too. You can grow out of it...but you have to own who you are and step out of the strait jacket of a sui…