The Things We Can Control vs. The Things We Cannot Control
Letters to SpookyTheManiac
In life,
there are the things we can control
and the things we can’t control.
The above diagram explains the difference between the circle of influence and the circle of control.
The circle of influence contains all of the things you have personal control over. Every human being wishes they could have complete influence over their lives; cute!
The circle of concern contains all of the things you don’t have personal control over.
Anxiety occurs when your circle of influence is inadequate to effect the larger change you want.
In life,
there are the things we can control
and the things we can’t control;
The same goes for business.
In business, there are the things you can control and the things you can’t control.
In business, you have control over your:
Target Customer
Product Price Promotion and Place
Goals Objectives Plans Strategies & Tactics
In business, you do not have control over the:
Political Legal & Regulatory Environment
Economic Environment
Sociocultural Environment
Technological Environment
Competitive Environment
Geographic Environment
I learned business from a military man. Every image in that site links to a video
Knowing how to track the different environments that hold your fate in their hands is what separates little men from big men.
For example, what is the relationship between the Political Legal & Regulatory Environment and the Sociocultural Environment?
Politics is downstream from culture.
- Andrew Breitbart (RIP)
Another example illustrates the importance of the sociocultural environment over the rest of the environments,
Demographics explains 2/3 of everything.
- Foote
Alas, Culture is a product of Geography. The Egyptians worshiped The Nile. Heck, Egyptians even stunted on Solon The Greek’s shitty geography in Plato’s Timaeus.
When you don’t have control over something, you call it a risk. Luckily,
Risk cannot be destroyed; merely transformed.
- Hoffstein
In life,
there are the things we can control
and the things we can’t control;
The same goes for comedy.
In business, there are the things you can control and the things you can’t control.
In comedy, you have control over your:
Written Material
Crowd Work
In comedy, you do not have control over your:
Improvisation and Crowd Work are used to control the Audience towards a desired effect; namely, laughter.
In a world where you want to be an amazing comedian, what should you focus on?
Write a lot, get on stage a lot.
- Tom Segura
In life, comedy, and business, there are the things you can and cannot control.
It would therefore be wise to understand the difference and plan accordingly.