In a world where your product, brand, and service are the same as everyone else’s, it’s only your sales process that differentiates you.
- The Challenger Sales Model
Just Give Me The Main Points
In a competitive job market, you need to INSERT YOURSELF into the Invisible Recruitment Process:
Most jobs are filled before they’re posted online. Why?
Hiring managers tend to hire friends and family first
Jobs often get filled through referrals from team members
Therefore, proactively develop relationships with people in a position to get your hired by becoming a part of the network
Main idea: cultivate earning power through a network of people who make up the invisible recruitment process instead of just job hunting.
The truth is, most jobs get filled BEFORE THE JOB IS EVERY POSTED.
That probably sounds odd. How do jobs get filled before they’re posted to the web? To understand how jobs get filled - and how you can insert yourself into the invisible recruitment proess - you have to consider human nature.
Imagine you’re a Hiring Manager.
Let’s say you just got Finance’s approval to hire a software developer. It just so happens that your cousin is a software developer. He doesn’t have all the skills…but he’s FAMILY.
Who’d you rather hire:
A stranger with all of the qualifications OR
A cousin with some of the qualifications
The answer is easy: you hire your cousin. Duh.
Some of you might say you’d hire the stranger…and you’d be in the minority. As a general rule, we hire our friends and family first.
What Happens If You Don’t Know A Developer?
Imagine that as the Hiring Manager, you don’t have anyone in my friends and family that could do the job…what do you do next? Post the job to Linkedin and Indeed? NOPE.
If you don’t know someone that could do the job…you start asking my team members if they know anyone IN THEIR friends and family network that can do the job. Most jobs get filled at this level. Doctors know doctors, lawyers know lawyers, and Developers know Developers. Who wouldn’t want to connect their friend with a chance to make money? We LOVE helping the people we care about make money. We get a real rush out of it. There’s a power in the ability to connect people with money-making opportunities, and there’s a real art to it.
It’s Not What You Know…
So now you know that most jobs are filled before they ever get posted, how do you become a part of the network of people considered for jobs that you’re a fit for?
Simple: you begin proactively developing relationships with people in your industry. Now, simple doesn’t mean easy…but you aren’t afraid of difficult things, are you?
The lesson here is simple: when it comes to getting jobs and gigs, it’s not what you know, it’s what you know AND who you know.
In Cultivating Earning Power (Part Two), we’ll learn how we can switch our focus from job hunting to Cultivating Earning Power, something I’ve practiced with my candidates for almost two decades.